The European Green Deal states that "energy storage and carbon capture, storage and utilization” is one of the priority areas to reduce greenhouse gas emissions of 55 % by 2030 and to become carbon neutral by 2050.

The project has received funding from the European Partnership on Metrology, co-financed by European Union Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme and from the Participating States.

MetCCUS M20 Meeting in Lisbon

On May 28th and 29th the MetCCUS participants met in Lisbon, Portugal, during a 2-day meeting to discuss the latest developments and progression of the project. The meeting took place in the Portuguese Institute for Quality – IPQ premises, including a laboratory tour and a visit to the Metrology Museum. 

Some key updates concerning the Work Packages are the following:

In Work Package 1 several activities have been completed. A key highlight is the publication of the report of the state of the art of traceable liquid CO2 measurements and liquid CO2 primary standard requirements. You can read it here.

In Work Package 2, good progress was made on various activities such as the study of performance requirements needed for leak detection of CO2 from CCUS process infrastructure, as well as the requirements for leak detection from geologically stored CO2.

In Work Package 3, ongoing work is going well for the development of online CO2 monitoring methods, as well as offline analytical methods for CO2 quality. Two reports are available on our website: literature survey on cylinders for the preparation of Primary Reference Materials (PRM) for CCUS and report on the material compatibility of vessels for CO2 sampling.

In Work Package 4, experts produced a protocol for the preparation of binary mixtures of amine and CO2, which you can access here. An important goal is to get a performant Equation of State (EOS) applicable to CO2 mixtures, that is why the measurements of thermophysical properties are essential.

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